We have an online payment system at sage payments for the Phoenix Laestadian Lutheran Church. For any questions please email payments@pllchurch.org. Secure Donation Form>>
An account has been set up at the Great Lakes Scrip Center as a new fundraising opportunity for the church. If families are willing to do some of their shopping via the use of gift cards, there is potential for significant positive impact on church funds. Families can view the list of participating merchants and complete orders online at www.shopwithscrip.com. The enrollment code is 3LE752FF29L45.
If you shop at Safeway please set up an e-Scrip account so the church can get up to 3 percent for the purchases you make. You can sign up here https://secure.escrip.com/jsp/supporter/registration/step1.jsp. Our group name with e-Scrip is Lasteadian Lutheran Church or the group ID is 9605162. |